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Austin Mahone Can’t Fight This Love Şarkı Sözü

Austin Mahone Can’t Fight This Love Şarkı Sözü

I’ve been hit by a train
It came out of the blue
What a beautiful pain
When I fell so hard for you
I just can’t look away
When you walk in the room
There’s no way to escape
There’s only one thing I can do
Don’t let it take control
There’s no way I let you go
And the one thing that I know

Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this energy
It’s natural
It’s taking over me
Can’t fight this love
No escape through my veins
Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this, Can’t fight this
Can’t fight this love

I don’t know what it is
I’m down on my knees
I’ve trying to resist
I can’t take it anymore
It gets harder to breathe
Girl I’m hooked for sure
I can’t hide what I feel
Cause you opened every door
Don’t let it take control
There’s no way I let you go
And the one thing that I know

Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this energy
It’s natural
It’s taking over me
Can’t fight this love
No escape through my veins
Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this, Can’t fight this
Can’t fight this love

It took one look
And it was all over
One smile, and I was lost
You broke through my defences
So I’m sure

Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this love

Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this energy
It’s natural
It’s taking over me
Can’t fight this love
No escape through my veins
Can’t fight this love
Can’t fight this, Can’t fight this
Can’t fight this love

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